This is an evening view to my north, it reminds me of the eastern view from Ram in the sunset

I watch a bunch of British TV and often use the subtitles because I have trouble hearing a word here or there. I have becxome a fan of british captioning, although I’ave seen some good ones elsewhere. My most recent, I’m watching the British mystery, Father Brown. Several times while watching a scene with Father Brown officiating at Mass, the caption reads “Father Brown talking in a foreign language.” Why not “Father Brown talking in a dead language?”
Faint sound, caption “whimpering” one character, “What was that” The other, “That was whimpering.”
Another one I admired was “Birds singing, crows cawing.” Lots of inging going on.

The latest news on my section of canyon:
Rita Baker from the Greater Oregon City Watershed Council and some other folks went to look at the creek down in the canyon in my yard to see why it’s not flowing. They said they think there was a landslide or beaver dam and it might be on my property. She said someone needs to explore it from the water. I mentioned my kayak and she said she was thinking of waders. Anyway, she told me about a man who is a watershed ecologist who can not only give me more information about the creek, but also about the canyon walls, that in one place are practically vertical.
I don’t know if you heard the single tolling of a huge bell on the 24th, but The Move is now set and it and looks like I will actually hit the Oregon Trail before the end of the year.
My move is becoming real, tediously, slowly, but getting there. And getting more complicated of course, especially vehicularly. I have to get my car on a truck in Portland, ME, rent a car, the movers will pack me up on June 21stand take all my possessions away. I will get back to Portland with the rental car so I can hop on the train down to Boston where I get the plane the next day. I have tickets for me and M’Weec to fly out on June 24th.
I have no idea if my family have any appreciation of how much clearing out I am doing.