I’m grateful for getting most of the garden cleared of the real invasive stuff, blackberries and quaking aspen sprouts. The blackberries are highly invasive, thorny and delicious. The have these long canes that snake through everything else. That plus a vibrant and overgrown wisteria, makes my garden look a bit like a jungle. They hang over the fence from both neighbors so I harvest all I want and prune them back as much as I like. Blackberries in yogurt for lunch, delish, although I spotted my white tee shirt with several vivid purple spots when I mashed them before adding the (fake) sugar and yogurt. And such a lovely color yogurt! I love that I can just walk up to the fence and pluck juicy berries for my lunch.
I’m grateful for finding a wan but living rhubarb plant and two way wan asparagus plants. They will finally be able to get some sun and may grow. I want to transplant the rhubarb, the deer don’t like it and it will get much more sun outside the garden because it’s tucked up against a bush on the other side of the fence that’s shading it half the day.
I’m grateful for a serendipitous collection of ingredients for supper, an ear of corn, ¾ of an orange sweet pepper, a handful of cherry tomatoes, some cut up rotisserie chicken, a couple glugs of salsa (my favorite low cal tomato product) heated and served with plain yogurt. The cat loves the salsa/yogurt sauce as much as I do. I think I could eat this for supper daily for a month.
They were haying as I drove north up the Willamette Valley, a week ago on a big scale

After toiling in the garden I looked around and up in gratitude.

My patio has one lovely sturdy snap dragon between the concrete patio and gravel drive