I started working on a blog a few months ago by sending emails to folks I thought might be interested but I worried that some people would feel spammed by that, so I decided a blog was in order.
Since then I’ve been learning the ropes and some things you will encounter within will demonstrate how steep my learning curve has been.
I plan to make this something of a diary with pictures and hopefully music and videos, as I learn more. The posts here have been variously sent out to some folks, so most of what’s here so far will not be new until after mid March.
Before that they were just dumped in, because I haven’t figured out how to list the post in order. Now I have a widget that is supposed to list them all in order by the date in monthly lists for it will sort itself.
I haven’t tried to figure out how to make this into a private blog yet so I’m leaving out certain data, specific addresses, full names, my actual location, etc. because the people besides myself who I’m writing for already know such details. Responses to this blog are welcome, but remember guard your privacy.
I welcome any advice anyone wants to offer on how to make this blog better, or on things I’m missing, I am stumbling through this as a complete novice. I’ve added an email sign up. I understand I can add an RSS feed link and if anyone finds a need for that, I will try to add it.
I offer this as a bunch of natterings on my life, musings and pictures as well as info on events therein.
There will be folk, perhaps most folks, who wish to look in periodically and not sign up for email notifications. That is fine, I won’t feel dissed.

At the suggestion of a new friend, I am writing down reasons for gratitude that I find each day. We share them and I plan to put some of mine here at times.